Cascadia Conservation District

reflection of people in river water

Adults in the Creek

Adults In The Creek

Kids In The Creek

Adults in the Creek is a miniaturized field day at the Entiat Fish Hatchery designed for educators, volunteers or potential supporters with an interest in Kids in the Creek program, or looking for a great way to spend an afternoon outside in a beautiful setting.The afternoon is complete with donning waders, hands-on learning activities, engaging with resource professionals, and a synopsis of the culminating activity in which all students contribute at the end of the day.By spending the afternoon with the same resource professionals who serve at the Kids in the Creek (KITC) program, participants gain understanding of how the unique of the KITC field day is for the local school districts.

  • Adults in the Creek has been approved for clock hours. Participants can register through esdWorks.

  • Attendance at Adults in the Creek is now mandatory for teachers wanting to bring their class to Kids in the Creek, to ensure educator and students success.

Volunteers / Supporters:
"There is a way that nature speaks, that land speaks. Most of the time we are simply not patient enough, quiet enough to pay attention to the story. "
- Linda Hogan