Cascadia Conservation District

view of orchard blossoms

Jim Bartelme

Jim Bartelme

Words of Inspiration
Board of Supervisors member for over 10 years

How long were you with Cascadia Conservation District?
More than a decade.

What was the District like when you started?
That was several buildings ago. The District Office has moved from the Federal Building to the Forest Service Building to the current Wenatchee World Building. The name changed to Cascadia Conservation District. The work projects have changed just as much. Projects are more diverse and the volume has increased. The District has always had a big focus on water conservation and education. The largest increase has been in the fire wise program and outreach in general.

What is one of the most impactful projects you remember during your time with the Cascadia Conservation District?
The addition of Chelan and Wenatchee Cities. This allows the Conservation District to provide assistance within the entire Chelan County.

Can you think of a project or program that feels like it changed the history, or future of Chelan County?
That’s easy. Kids in the Creek. It was developed locally with numerous partners; it has received national recognition and it has been copied by others. Best of all, kids love it and have been inspired. Developing an early life appreciation of the importance of streams and value of water is game changing for our County.

Can you think of a story from your time at the CD you would like to tell folks?
Being a Supervisor has been a feel good job and I would encourage you to join in. The Staff at the District are hardworking and dedicated to serving the community. The partners and folks who ask for assistance are some of the greatest folks I have met. Overall Chelan County landowners are trying to make a positive difference and it’s impressive. I truly enjoyed my time.

Jim Bartelme
Jim Bartelme
"What a country chooses to save is what a country chooses to say about itself."
- Mollie Beattie, Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service from 1993-1996