Cascadia Conservation District

Kids viewing different types of rocks

Information for Students

Information For Students

Kids In The Creek

On your Kids in the Creek field day, you will visit six stations:

  • Invert Investigator – Who’s in the creek? Hop in the water to collect macroinvertebrates. Take your catch ashore to identify the type of insects in your local stream, and learn about their different tolerance levels to water pollution.
  • Riparian RxPlants – need water to be healthy, but do healthy streams require plants? Go on a nature walk to learn about important riparian plant species and the way they influence- and are influenced by- the river system. Then, learn several methods biologists in the field use to survey plant communities.
  • Habitat Sense – Do you have what it takes to be a fish? See if you can find the best habitat in your stream reach and be the one to catch the most food! Then, learn more about what makes up good stream habitat by conducting a scientific survey of the stream.
  • What’s in That H2O? (Quality) – Where does pollution come from and how does it end up in the water supply? Discuss the watershed concept, conduct chemistry experiments to test the quality of the water in your local stream, and brainstorm ways that your community can increase or maintain water quality for a healthy watershed.
  • Fish Health – Do you know your fish anatomy? You’ll get a chance to learn it at this station with a fish-themed jeopardy game. You’ll also learn about environmental stressors that could compromise internal and external fish organs and the overall ability for a fish to survive in the stream ecosystem. Plus, at this station you get to catch some real, live fish!
  • What’s in That H2O? (Quantity) – Where does all that water come from, and where does it go? For this station, you head back into the creek to collect stream flow measurements. Then, you’ll discuss human water use, and how the amount of water in the stream can affect many of the other components of stream health. Then, you will funnel all your new knowledge into a final, all-encompassing activity:
  • Watershed Wonders – You will play the role of a stakeholder (such as developer, neighbor, resource professional or wild animal) as your group creates a land-use plan for a parcel of land. With all characters- and your differing viewpoints- working together, you will develop and present your scenario that utilizes best-management practices and demonstrates your knowledge about the requirements for healthy land and stream ecosystems.

What to Bring:

  • Layered clothing suited for the weather- Be prepared for wet and both hot and cold conditions!
  • Extra socks, in case waders leak
  • Snacks and a lunch
  • Most importantly, a good attitude!

Have fun!

Other Materials:

"The world is big and I want to have a good look at it before it gets dark."
- John Muir