Cascadia Conservation District

view of orchard blossoms

Larry Cordes

Larry Cordes

Words of Inspiration
Board of Supervisors member for 10 years

How long were you with the district?
10 years? Board chair for 3 or 4?

When did you start?
Another good question! Early 2000’s?

What was the district like when you started? Main focus of projects/programs/resource concerns, etc?
Primarily an administrator of state funded programs. Watershed planning and fish habitat restoration work was just getting started.

What is one of the most impactful projects you remember during your time with the CD?
The start of watershed planning.

Can you think of a project or program that feels like it changed the history, or future, of Chelan County?
Again, watershed planning, especially in the Entiat River.

Can you think of a story from your time at the CD you would love to tell folks?
As the chair I really appreciated how proficient Peggy and Val were. Meetings were always organized – I could show up unprepared and just let the meeting run itself. Once or twice a month they would stop by my office with a stack of paper needing signatures. Within a few minutes each piece was explained and signed. They made the job easy.

"What a country chooses to save is what a country chooses to say about itself."
- Mollie Beattie, Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service from 1993-1996