Cascadia Conservation District


Chelan County Clean Water Campaign

Chelan County Clean Water Campaign

people walking in creek with nets

The Problem

From the ridge tops to the valley bottoms, Chelan County is a spectacular place to live, work and play. When asked what we love most about the area we may each picture something different, but chances are whatever comes to mind is dependent on one critical factor- an abundance of clean, cool water. Whether we see ourselves hiking, rafting, fishing, or farming, our quality of life is directly related to the quality and quantity of water in our rivers and streams.

Over the past few decades the population in Chelan County has increased dramatically. We may notice all the new faces while waiting in traffic or searching for a quiet place to cast our line, but less apparent are the problems brewing beneath the surface of our local waterways.

Studies indicate that many rivers and streams in Chelan County do not meet water quality standards set in place to protect human health and fish habitat. The science behind what is going on can be complex, but The Solution is simple and it begins with us.

The Solution

Little things we do In Our Home, With Our VehiclesIn Our Yard, and With Our Animals can make a big difference and help ensure that the natural beauty we love today is still available for our children to enjoy tomorrow.

  • Reduce your use of phosphorus to keep waterways healthy for all of us!
  • Keep harmful chemicals out of our water – use a commercial car wash!
  • Go Native! Using native trees and shrubs means less need for pest control and watering.
  • Scoop the poop to keep our water clean!

More natural resources stewardship tips and fun activities view here.


The 2024 calendars are in!
They are available for pick up at our office: 1350 McKittrick St, Wenatchee during business hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am- 4:00 pm.

These messages and the photo contest/calendar were developed as part of the Picture the Wenatchee watershed stewardship campaign. We have expanded the campaign to include all of Chelan County.

The 2024 Photo Contest runs May 1- Oct 1!
Please visit our Photo Contest page for additional information and to submit!