Cascadia Conservation District


Wildfire Preparedness Contractors & Partner Programs

Wildfire Preparedness Contractors & Partner Programs

Kids in the forest teacher group photo

Helpful Links:

Local Fuels Reduction Contractors:

Business NameCityPhoneEmailWebsite
5 Star Forestry LLCKooskia, ID866-679-5372[email protected]
American Forest Management Inc.Spokane509-939-5503[email protected]
Apex Mulching, LLCLeavenworth509-670-6188[email protected]
Bighorn Tree Care, LLCWenatchee509-881-7721
Bushman LandscapingEntiat509-679-4293[email protected] 
Carey Creek Logging LLCCle Elum206-730-3148[email protected] 
Clifton Tree ServiceLeavenworth 509-398-2840[email protected]
Douglas Logging Inc.Wenatchee509-520-1456[email protected] 
Duke’s Land ManagementUnion Gap509-469-9451[email protected]
Eco Dig, LLCEllensburg 509-674-8711[email protected] 
FireWise LivingLeavenworth360-961-3309[email protected] 
Green Tree ReforestationSunnyside509-882-2900[email protected] 
Loggin LarrinCle Elum509-674-5949[email protected] 
Marcon Timber Co. Inc.East Wenatchee 509-670-6656[email protected]; [email protected] 
Metau Resilient ForestsLeavenworth509-797-7975[email protected]
Mountain Excavators Inc.Dryden509-782-1863[email protected]
Northwest Management Inc.Chewelah360- 623-0958
NW Green ClearingTumwater360-539-5080[email protected]
NW Land ManagementWoodinville425-780-7939[email protected]
Rattlesnake Ridge Fire Suppression & Tree RemovalYakima509-823-6571[email protected]
Scholl Fire & Fuels Management, Inc.Walla Walla509-529-2848[email protected]
Swaggart Enterprises Inc.Hermiston, OR 541-969-9256[email protected] 
Thin Air Logging & Tree ServicePeshastin509-670-8139[email protected] 
Tim Fuller Logging LLCLewiston, ID208-746-5073[email protected] 
Timbered Rangeland Management, LLCEllensburg 406-369-4628[email protected] 
Timberline Silvics Inc.Snoqualmie 425-238-9737[email protected]
Tumwater Tree Service/ Leavenworth FirewiseLeavenworth 509-433-4840[email protected]
WFS Environmental Inc.Yakima509-453-3473[email protected]
Wilderness Ridge LLCRoslyn509-674-8161[email protected]
Wildfire Home Protection Forestry ServicesPeshastin509-630-5223[email protected]
Wildfire Safe, LLC Manson 509-670-3816  

Please note this list is not complete and does not represent an endorsement.

As with any contractor we recommend that you ask for and check their references.
Services and services areas may vary by contractor.

Contact individual contractors for more information.

Contact Us if you know of another local contractor we should add to our list.

Technical & Financial Assistance Programs:

OrganizationAssistsType of Assistance
Cascadia Conservation DistrictForest Health Cost ShareFuel Break and Forest Resilience PartnershipChipping ProgramWildfire Risk AssessmentsIndividual LandownersTechnical
National Fire PlanCommunitiesFinancial
National Forest FoundationCommunitiesFinancial
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)Environmental Quality Incentives Program
Forest Landowner Quick Guide (pdf)Conservation Stewardship ProgramIs CSP Right for Me? (pdf)
Individual LandownersTechnical
Washington State Department of Natural Resources (WADNR)Small Forest Landowner OfficeForest Stewardship Program
Eastern Washington Forest Landowner
Cost-share Information & Application 
Wildfire Ready Neighbors Program
Individual Landowners
Chumstick Wildfire Stewardship Coalition Wildfire Risk Assessments123 Project – Cost ShareIndividual Landowners
Lake Wenatchee Fire & Rescue (Lake Wenatchee, Plain)Chipping ProgramFree Address Signs & Smoke AlarmsIndividual Landowners
Chelan County Fire District 3 (Leavenworth)Home Wildfire Risk AssessmentsChipping ProgramIndividual Landowners
Chelan County Fire District 7 (Chelan)Home Wildfire Risk AssessmentsIndividual LandownersTechnical
Chelan County Fire District 5 (Manson)Home Wildfire Risk AssessmentsIndividual LandownersTechnical
Wenatchee Valley Fire Department (Wenatchee)Home Wildfire Risk Assessments & Chipping ProgramIndividual LandownersTechnical

Contact Us if you know of another technical or financial program we should add to our list.